Low-Fee Program
In an effort to increase access to mental health services, we offer low-fee therapy sessions for individuals of all ages and families with financial hardships. Our advanced clinical trainees draw from a variety of modalities to support our clients' needs in the way that suits them best.
To register or for more information, please schedule a consultation with Dwellness' Clinical Intake Coordinator. We ask that you self-identify your interest in the low-fee therapy program. Slots in this program are limited and are subject to clinicians' availability. We will invite clients who we are not able to support immediately to join our waitlist.
Community Partnerships
Dwellness has historically partnered with schools, community-based organizations, and small businesses to provide them with mental health services and increase access to therapy. Are you interested in bringing mental health care to your community? If so, Dwellness is offering customized individual therapy, group therapy, psychoeducational workshops, coaching, and mindfulness training to folx looking to join us in our goal of increasing accessibility to mental health care.
Please email info@dwellnesstherapy.com if you are interested in scheduling a referral/partnership consultation. We look forward to connecting to learn more about your practice or organization to determine how we can help.
Read more below about programs we are partnered with.
CitySquash is a not-for-profit after-school enrichment program based in the Bronx at Fordham University and in Brooklyn at Poly Prep Country Day School. The organization helps motivated and talented young people from economically disadvantaged households fulfill their academic, athletic and personal potential. Their commitment starts as early as third grade as team members develop strong character, improve academic performance, become competitive squash players, attend high quality high schools, and graduate from college. Dwellness offers both individual and group therapy to their program participants.
Testimonial from Colin Murfree, former Program Manager:
“Offering mental health service and resources to our students is something we have wished to do for years, but never been able to make work prior to partnering with Dwellness. The work with Dwellness helped students locally in the Bronx, and virtually when away at school. Their flexibility and willingness to come along side our programming and mission rather than to simply impose their own has really set them apart from other organizations we've looked to partner with in the past. We have come to really appreciate their regular presence, professionalism, and willingness to engage and connect with each student. As is often the case, we have seen students vote with their feet. Even when engagement in our own program wanes from time to time we have seen our students continue their weekly commitment to the Dwellness team, simply because they derive such value from each session. Once the work began, organically, amongst the students, the word started to spread and before we knew it, we had more students expressing interest in joining and several even that now considered therapy for the first time. We can't thank them enough for the support they have offered our students and hope to continue and grow our partnership for years to come!”
Dwellness is partnering with Developing Artists (DA) to offer mental health services to their students and staff. Developing Artists teaches undervalued teens to fight relentlessly for positive social change through practical application of the performing arts. They empower culturally and socioeconomically diverse students to proclaim themselves as artists and activists, find their place and their connection in their community, and bring about positive social change through participation in the arts. DA accompanies them in processing their emotions, using the arts as a means to process trauma, and building confidence and independence.
A quote from DA’s Artistic Director, Jill DeArmon, and Executive Director, Jinn S. Kim:
"Developing Artists has been eager to find a way to make culturally competent mental health services and resources accessible to our students for many years. We are ecstatic to be collaborating with Dwellness! Now we can finally offer our students both group and individual support in processing the expanse of feelings that undoubtedly come up for them when they are creating art and grappling with both systemic and personal issues. Additionally, we are grateful to have Dwellness hosting psychoeducational workshops for our staff so that we can learn how to better honor our self-care in the context of our community care. We are very much looking forward to developing a burgeoning partnership!”
Dwellness has partnered with Sparrow to offer mental health services through individual therapy and grief groups. Sparrow is a full service contemporary funeral home with offerings ranging from the traditional to the unique. Located in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, Sparrow is a light-filled space, consisting of two ‘celebration rooms’, a street facing retail store, and a staff that is compassionate, thoughtful and thorough.
Our clinicians also offer Grief Walks throughout the arboretum of Green-wood cemetery, Riverside Park, or Trinity Cemetery and Mausoleum to families, individuals, and couples. Please follow the link if you or a loved one would like to participate.
Dwellness is thrilled to be partnering with Friends of Firefighters to support their mission of providing independent, confidential, and free mental health counseling and wellness services to active and retired FDNY firefighters and their families.
Firefighters encounter situations the public rarely, if ever, must face. Reducing the stigma associated with mental health in the fire service can help protect those who risk their lives every day for others.
By partnering with our Clinical Trainee Program for the 2024-2025 school year, Friends of Firefighters program participants will be receiving mental health services for their community through individual and group therapy.