Jamie Weiner, LMHC

Jamie Weiner (she/her/hers) is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor who specializes in helping families struggling to carry therapeutic change into their homes. Prior to her work with Dwellness, Jamie served as an Executive Functioning Coach and Supervisor for Organizational Tutors, focusing on tailoring unique in-home and at-school behavioral modification systems to the specific needs of each student, family, and education team. She worked with numerous NYC based families, educators and mental health professionals to cultivate strategies that helped students make sustainable change in their home and academic lives. Through this work she recognized the immense value and need for in-home therapeutic support. 

Jamie spent her post-graduate clinical training working as a staff therapist and outreach coordinator for IHI Therapy Center, a non-profit psychotherapy and training center dedicated to fostering personal growth free of traditional gender, sexual orientation, and cultural biases. She also worked as a staff therapist for Brooklyn College’s research lab, treating children and adolescents suffering from IBD-related anxiety and depression at Mt. Sinai Hospital using CBT and non-directive supportive therapy. Jamie practices from a client-centered, integrated approach and is trained in CBT, relational psychodynamic therapy, Gestalt therapy, family systems, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR & AF-EMDR).  

Jamie has spent the over a decade in private practice, specializing in working with creatives, the LGBTQAI+ community, and adults suffering from attachment based trauma wounds and chronic health issues. She now sits on the Board of IHI Therapy Center. In addition to her board responsibilities, she acts as a clinical supervisor, developed a program to offer affordable mental health counseling to LGBTQAI+ entertainment professionals, collaborated with Refinery29 to develop the LoveMe video series, and co-produced the “Love, Yourself” benefit performance at New York Theatre Workshop. 

Jamie currently dwells in Brooklyn, NY with her husband and daughter, with whom she is grateful to have the opportunity to explore the evolving meaning of home.